Pyramid Model Implementation Data System (PIDS)
The Pyramid Model Implementation Data System (PIDS) collects data from early childhood programs implementing the Pyramid Model in state-funded cohorts.
PIDS is the engine behind the framework, providing you with critical data points to make well informed decisions about ongoing Professional Development for you and your staff,
and helps guide decisions regarding effective and responsive policies, practices, and procedures.
Entering data into PIDS keeps you informed about your progress in implementation,
the effectiveness of current child support strategies,
and the practices that teachers and caregivers are using to support children's social and emotional well being.
Aggregate data about Statewide Implementation is also used to demonstrate the effectiveness
of the Pyramid Model which helps the state continue to access funding to support our implementing programs with training, coaching and other services.
We have created two options for you to learn more about PIDS.
1- Flip through the overview slides
2 - Watch a full webinar by clicking on the link
Need a Quick Refresher? Choose a mini presentation
Other Helpful PIDS Resources
Pyramid Model Data Tools
NEW Classroom Data Collector Role
Best Reports for Leadership Teams
Pyramid Model Data Calendar
PIDS User Role Descriptions
PIDS Report Descriptions
Child and Employee Import Process Instructions
Pyramid Model Implementation Flow Chart
Pyramid Model Why Pyramid?
Master Cadre PIDS Guide