Becoming a Pyramid Model Implementing Program

Interested in learning more?

Begin by attending the Roadmap to Program wide Implementation Series.

Session 1 - is an introduction to the Pyramid Model Framework and all it's components.  After this session you can register to become an Exploring Program.

Session 2 - is an overview of the benefits of Program Wide Implementation of the Pyramid Model Framework for your program, the children, and the families you support.

Session 3 - is a step by step overview of the pre-application planning tool - this document assists with implementation readiness.  After completing the planning tool you are ready for the final application to receive the support of a Program Implementation Coach.

Session 4 - is a process facilitated by the assigned Program Implementation Coach to help you take your first steps toward implementation to fidelity.

For a full description of each session click HERE 

Important Note: After Session 1, sessions 2 & 3 are specific to Family/Group Family or Center/School based programs.

All sessions are conducted by our NY State Regional Coordinators or 

NYS Implementation Coaches and may be provided in-person or via a virtual platform.

Below is a list of our upcoming virtual sessions, new sessions are added as scheduled.

Do you need an in-person or virtual session for your Administrative Team?  Reach out to your Regional Coordinator listed below.

Webpage - Roadmap Series Schedule

Our Regional Coordinators are an important part of our Statewide Implementation Support Team  

These Regional Coordinators are here to help you connect with Pyramid Model Training, Coaching, Observation, and Implementation Supports.

Click on the image to expand and locate your Regional Coordinator.  Reach out an introduce yourself, they would love to hear from you.

Pyramid Model Implementation - Regional Coordinator Assignments.docx (3).pdf