Becoming a Pyramid Model Trainer, Practice Based Coach, or Certified TPITOS, TPOT Observer
The Pyramid Model Framework uses evidenced-based practices in a tiered model of promotion, prevention, and intervention to effectively support the development of young children's social, emotional, and behavioral competence. Currently, there are over 50 Early childhood programs across New York State participating in program-wide implementation of the Pyramid Model with more centers, school-based programs, and family child care providers joining each month. To sustain a professional development system that can effectively support the early childhood workforce in the implementation of the Pyramid Model we continuously work to build capacity throughout the State. We build capacity by recruiting, training and supporting the NYS Pyramid Model Workforce. The Pyramid Model Workforce is comprised of Master Cadre Trainers, Coaches, and Observers.
For information on becoming a TPITOS or TPOT Certified Observer see the NYS Training Calendar .
Interested in becoming part of the NYS Pyramid Model Workforce?
We are working on our next recruitment plan - check back for updates and opportunities posted here.